Well, it was a quiet weekend at The Daily Detour because Yours Truly implemented a self-imposed hiatus from the blog in order to hang out with the family. But, all was not quiet in the culture.
Just a few highlights...
Jack Bauer managed to get out of another tight spot. Only this time it was for time served on a DUI. Now he can finally get back to saving the planet. Hopefully, it's just in time to start filming for the next season of 24. Of course, with the writer's strike, Bauer's best-laid plans may be thwarted still.
The gloves stay off as Obama confronts the Clintons. Things are heating up with Obama and the Clintons continuing to slug it out for Democratic supremacy. And I thought politics was supposed to be becoming a kinder, gentler sport...
This past Saturday, Sen. John McCain added to his New Hampshire victory by beating the other GOP rivals in the South Carolina primary. Some are saying he is the new frontrunner. With the wide-ranging results from the handfuls of primaries held so far, it's too premature to make such claims, though he is making a strong case. On the other hand, Sen. Fred Thompson was making his last stand in South Carolina, so the Fredheads should not be surprised to see him reluctantly drop out of the race pretty soon. As media savvy as he is, it seems he is discovering just how difficult a national presidential campaign can be. Too bad, I like Fred.
Meanwhile, as FOX News reports, "With popularity comes notoriety." A painful lesson that is coming back to bite GOP candidate Ron Paul on this timely Martin Luther King holiday. Ouch!
There's so much political news, is there time for anything else? Not much, though the Patriots continued their perfect march to the Super Bowl by beating the Chargers yesterday. Was it just my imagination or were the Pats fans actually booing every time the announcers mentioned the Chargers during the awards ceremony after the game? The collective assessment by those watching the game in our house seemed to confirm that suspicion.
And on the other side of the NFL, it does look as though one Manning brother is going to make a surprising debut in the Super Bowl. While Peyton is relegated to his final "Pep Talks with Peyton Manning" commercial of the season, his younger brother Eli managed to get past iron-man Brett Favre in OT to take the Giants to the Big Game. This stunning loss of by the Packers leaves Favre's future up in the air. I'll be happy for Favre either way. But in the meantime, see if you can quess who I'm pulling for in this year's Super Bowl? :) Until next time...
UPDATE: So much for civil debate and the free exchange of ideas. In tonight's Democratic debate in South Carolina, Obama and Hillary really let the mud fly. Keep yer heads down and yer waders on!
UPDATE: Well, the inevitable finally caught up with Fred Thompson. He announced today (Tuesday) that he is withdrawing his bid for the presidency, a mere 4 months after he got into the race. The initial bubble of excitement burst much sooner than he ever anticipated. And the Fredheads are draped in black. I join you in solidarity.