I've been mulling this for a little while, and finally found the impetus to establish a new TDD category, called "Bumper Sticker Battles". If you do any amount of driving, you've seen them, all sides and every perspective creatively articulated in some short, pithy statement that effectively (and sometimes, not-so-effectively) summarizes one's position on a smorgasbord of issues. Be it politics, religion, non-religion, the culture war, or cartoons, the bumper sticker battles rage on.
And so, I've decided to occasionally bring to the blog some of the more interesting bumper stickers that have caught my attention. Some I agree with, others I don't. All are sure to be entertaining, informative, and provocative. Enjoy!
I can't actually take credit for personally seeing this inaugural bumper sticker, but it's been confirmed through a very reliable source (my lovely bride, Jean):
Equal rights for unborn women
This is a perfect example of where the radical feminist movement gets twisted in its own free will philosophy. I wonder what it would take for the feminist movement to actually pursue an effort to promote equal rights for all women (even the tiny ones)? Perhaps one of these days they'll get the inconsistencies between their verbiage and practice all straightened out. Unfortunately, I'm not optimistic. But this does provide an ongoing opportunity for Christians (both women, and men) to present a different, healthier respect for the fairer gender.