I was going to put up a different post today, and then the miraculous intervened. It's one of those things that has to be shared (in my opinion). Our family was sitting around the breakfast table this morning doing our family devotions when a person walked up to our door. It happened to be a member of the church where I was formerly on staff. When I greeted him at the door, he said that he woke up today and felt God compelling him to help us out (as he pressed a check into my hand). He said he wasn't even sure where our house was, but told God, "If you want me to do this, then you have to help me find their house." (As he got closer, he said he knew he had found it when he saw the used cars--read "the usual Crane clunkers"--in our driveway. :)
Sure enough, God helped him find his way to our door. And unbeknownst to him, it was just in time. As most of you know if you've been tracking my employment progress on this blog since my departure from pastoral ministry, I've been looking for a long-term job for about 13 months now. I had no way of knowing when my season of ministry ended at the church, that the economy would tank during this process, which has only exacerbated our situation (and simultaneously has fostered a greater dependence on God). But as I've also shared from time to time, God has always proven faithful in taking care of our needs, even to the point of the mysterious and miraculous.
During this past year, I have been doing a wide variety of odd, part-time jobs--let's see, chopping wood, writing, speaking, doing a paper route, driving an Iraqi refugee to/from work, painting, lawn-mowing, working in a print shop, and more wood hauling :). All while filling out applications, doing interviews, and pursuing every feasible lead for a long-term job. As you might imagine, we haven't been living in the lap of luxury, but we also haven't been forced to live in our van down by the river either. But there have been some times when things have gotten especially tight, and we are currently in one of those seasons right now. And every time, just when we begin to wonder, while fighting the temptation to succumb to the stress, God comes through.
I say all of this not to impose on the generous sensibilities of you the audience. I simply want to share again how God continues to miraculously intervene on our behalf in the most unexpected ways. I wrote the other day about faith and how a Christian's faith is built over a lifetime of experiences. These are exactly the experiences I was talking about, those times in life when God demonstrates His presence, His care, His concern, and His sovereignty. These are the times which further solidify the anchor to which my faith is moored. This check is not going to pay off our grad school loans or anything like that, but that's what makes this circumstance especially amazing. Because it is just enough to get us over the hump, and it confirms that God cares not only about the major life crises--like when a person's life is in danger or a family is forced to bury their son--but He also cares about the little things. And it continues to make me wonder, "What kind of God is that?", that He would care enough about the little things to cause one of His followers to meet the needs of another.
We happen to be the beneficiaries of that generosity this time, and it challenges me to continue to trust God for the unforeseen future. But I'm also reminded of the importance of being so in tune with God that I can hear His call in a morning to go find someone else in need and bless them in like fashion. Those are challenges for all of us Christ-followers, I suppose.