It is with great saddness that my concerns were confirmed today. The Free Methodist World Missions department has reported the death of Jeanne Acheson-Munos, along with two other missionaries who were ministering in Haiti when the earthquake hit last Tuesday. Her husband, Jack, is still recovering in a Miami hospital, along with another FM missionary.
Jack and Jeanne have been full-time missionaries down in Haiti since 2004. They are members of my mom and dad's church here in Indy, John Wesley Free Methodist Church.
If you think of it, please pray for Jack, as I can only imagine the pain he is going through that extends far beyond his current physical condition.
(Channel 13 WTHR here in Indianapolis has reported Jeanne's death, as well. And I'm sure it will be running the news cycles here over the next day or so.)
Please continue to pursue ways to help out the recovery efforts in Haiti. There are a number of organizations who are doing great work there. And any of them would greatly appreciate any assistance you can provide. Thank you!
UPDATE: Here is an article from a Jackson, MI publication which interviewed my other very good friend, Canis Arbrouet, a native of Haiti. Canis and I traveled around the United States in the late '90s, speaking and representing the International Child Care Ministries. ICCM is a Free Methodist child sponsorship program located here in Indianapolis. Canis was a formerly sponsered child who is now living with his family in Jackson.
so sorry to hear that bro.
Posted by: andy | January 18, 2010 at 10:03 AM
Thanks, man. She was a wonderful lady. Both Jeanne and Jack are great people. (He actually used to work at DAMAR before they went off to the mission field.) I can't imagine what he's going through right now.
Posted by: John | January 18, 2010 at 11:20 AM