First of all, I hope you all had a good and restful weekend. The Crane clan took our annual overnight trip up to the Dunes here in Indiana, and had a great time. I had intended to do a better job of staying on top of the blog, but "the best laid plans of mice and men..." as they say.
Anyway, I mentioned last Friday that I'm starting into a busy season of speaking and teaching. Tomorrow evening (Wednesday, September 9 @ 6:30p.m.), I'm starting an 8-week teaching series entitled, "Back to the Basics" at the church were I was formerly on staff, Light and Life Free Methodist Church. The essence of the series (beyond sharing some of my experiences in Oxford last summer) is to explore what it means to live out a real, vibrant, and relevant Christian faith in today's world. This is not your typical "church class".
For those of you on the westside of Indianapolis, feel free to stop on by if you're in the neighborhood. I know it will be challenging, and I trust it will have you considering (or reconsidering) Christianity through a whole new lens. Hope to see you there.