As long as we've put the Marines front and center, I wanted to share this "heartwarming" story. Though it's not really that surprising, it still continues to confound my understanding that the City Council in Berkeley, CA recently voted 8-1 to tell the Marine Corps that their downtown recruiting station is no longer welcome.
Faced with the opposition, the Marines did nothing new. They stood their ground. FOX News reported, "...a senior Marine official tells FOX News that the Marine office in Berkeley isn't going anywhere."
They don't stand alone. U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C. is advocating that Berkeley no longer receive federal money. As he put it,
This is a slap in the face to all brave service men and women and their families. The First Amendment gives the City of Berkeley the right to be idiotic, but from now on they should do it with their own money...If the city can’t show respect for the Marines that have fought, bled and died for their freedom, Berkeley should not be receiving special taxpayer-funded handouts.
People have also responded to this outrage from all across the country. In fact, Michelle Malkin provides a more indepth commentary on "Berkeley v. America", as well as, the latest pictures and videos on what has become the siege at Berkeley.
For those of us in the heartland, it is hard to imagine that such people live in this country. To such subversives, I want to ask, "Why stay? Why not move if you don't like this country?" However, that is what makes this country to unique, that there is room for everyone--even those who would undermine the very foundation which provides them the freedom to protest against America. But as I shared with Stephen in my most recent letter, the Marines don't pick and choose whom they protect. The protect all of us without distinction or discrimination, even those who would have them eliminated. Theirs is a noble cause indeed.
UPDATE: Here's some additional video of the situation.
UPDATE: According to the latest reports at FOX News, the Berkeley City Council has decided to revisit the issue after massive protests against their original resolution.
UPDATE: Here's the latest from Michelle Malkin.
I have to wonder what the Marines were thinking when they started a recruitment office there in the first place. I mean, to each his own, but the question still begs an answer. What did they think was going to happen? They may as well have opened one up in Beijing, of course the people of that country probably would sign up by the droves to get away from that place. Basic training would be a small price to pay for the freedom to live here! :)
Posted by: andy | February 11, 2008 at 08:31 AM
is "love it or leave it" really a good attitude to take?
the people in berkley are trying to make this country what they believe it ought to be.
is it only good to stand up and protest when it something the majority believes in?
what if martin luther had advocated leaving instead of protesting?
what if ruby hadn't gone to school in alabama, and had gone to canada instead?
just because you happen to have a military fetish does make your opinion of what a reasonable position to day *the correct one*.
asking why people who disagree with you don't just leave is as good as telling them they *should* leave, and it's just one step away from facism.
Posted by: chris corwin | February 11, 2008 at 11:06 AM
I was in the Marine Corps and I remember the recruiting office I went through. It was the same one I used to get stickers from as a kid and it's the same one that's their today, 35 years later. Recruiting offices have been around small towns and big cities since the birth of this country, during peace time and war time.
Posted by: Greg | February 11, 2008 at 11:13 AM
yeah, I agree, but this office was opened only a year ago.
Posted by: andy | February 11, 2008 at 12:44 PM
My point, Chris, was not that such "subversives" should be kicked out. On the contrary, it is the ability to disagree without fear of consequence/punishment that separates this unique country from the real fascist regimes in our world's history. That said, the reason this country enjoys such freedom, including the freedom to protest, is because of the sacrifices of our military personnel. Hardly a "fetish" I think. It's a fact, a fact that seems to be lost on the folks in Berkeley--that they would protest the very element that provides them the freedom to protest.
My intent in asking why they not leave this country is not because I necessarily want them to. After all, to simply eliminate those with whom we disagree would be against the very spirit of this country. It does, however, seem as though they don't really like some of the prevailing aspects of this country (including the government, the military, the rule of law, certain moral mores, etc...). If they're so upset with America, why not live somewhere where they would feel more comfortable?
I have always believed that those in the radical element on *both* sides of the political divide undermine their so-called desire to change the status quo by their antagonistic tactics. If they really want change, there are different, and I would suggest, better, ways to go about it.
Posted by: John | February 11, 2008 at 12:59 PM
Sorry Andy, I haven't read the whole story yet. The thing is there shouldn't be any sacred ground where a recruiting office isn't allowed. Obviously they were allowed to move in 1 year ago.
Posted by: Greg | February 11, 2008 at 01:21 PM
Greg, again, I agree. My point was surrounding the goal of the Marines with opening a recruiting office in a known area that is very liberal and anti-military. (Fruit-cake heaven if you will.)
Again, what were they thinking was going to happen? Maybe now we are seeing what they wanted to happen, by bringing the issue to the forefront.
Posted by: andy | February 11, 2008 at 07:17 PM
John, I think you did an excellent job of defending your point regarding Berkeley's residents' desire to live in this country. However, I don't think it is fair to paint them all as immoral or law breakers. That broad stereotyping would be unacceptable if it were pointed toward the religious right. The actions of a few do not represent the majority. (Oh, by the way, Berkeley has a quite vibrant Young Republican organization...where do you suppose they live?)
I also don't think it should be so hard to understand that someone could appreciate the people, NGO's, freedoms, etc of this country, without particularly liking the government or military.
The reason why there is a recruiting station in Berkeley is because there is a university there (Go Bears!) It takes 15 minutes of walking around Berkeley to see that it is ripe with opportunity for finding young individuals who may not hold the same views as the full-time residents of the city.
By the way, this is hardly a new issue. Students have been protesting the military's recruitment on campus for years. My bet is the Marines moved off-campus and this is why the residents started to protest.
Posted by: Resident Atheist | February 11, 2008 at 09:32 PM
Just a point of clarification, RA. I wholeheartedly agree with your contention that broad generalizations against a particular group (i.e. the religious right) are typically an overstatement and not acceptable. My references to "certain moral mores" was not intended to suggest that the Berkeley crowd is naturally inclined toward breaking the law. Certainly, some of them may be inclined that way, but the reference was merely to indicate that they may resist certain more conservative moral boundaries, not necessarily the law itself.
Posted by: John | February 11, 2008 at 10:58 PM