At church recently, I've been helping teach a series entitled, "Get Uncomfortable", which is a call toward greater social action on behalf of the poor and needy in our world, always a timely subject. Friends, it doesn't get any easier than this. Mandy, one of our long-time TDD readers, sent this link along to the "Free Rice" project. Take the vocabulary quiz and for each word you get right, this organization donates 20 grains of rice through the United Nations in an attempt to help end world hunger. No catch!
I started doing it last night, and in just a few minutes sent along over 200 grains of rice. It may not seem like much, but with everyone working together it all adds up. And don't be hesitant to blow the dust off the old Webster's dictionary and crack its pages in the process. It makes the "Free Rice" folks think you're smarter than you really are. (Oops, did I give away my secret? :)
In all seriousness, the "Free Rice" project is right in line with the philosophical purpose here at The Daily Detour. The Christian worldview is synonymous with action on behalf of the poor and disenfranchised. You cannot separate those two ideas. Thus, my purpose could be summed up as, "Educating toward action". This effort combines both. It's a fun (and potentially addicting) little exercise, that I would encourage you all to make a part of your daily routine (along with your continued visits to The Daily Detour, of course). And if any of you run across anything of a similar nature, sent it along.
Get a littler smarter and save the world in the process--does it get any better than that?