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December 20, 2007



This goes to show you that when alerted and detected early enough, Christians can boycott something and have a huge effect on the outcome. My first e-mail that I recieved on the Golden Compass was sometime late October.
I still remember how word got around on the Davinci Code and the flop it did at the box office. The people have spoken.


the golden compas is an amazing story that got diluted for mass consumption by big hollywood who is afraid of the conservative bully pulpit.

they made a horrible movie out of a great story.

that's why the movie will tank.

it is the book that has all the controvesial messsages, the movie is almost completely lacking in them --- and yet it is NOT the book that christians are boycotting.

this goes to show that it is the symbolic, rather than the real, that boycots are about.

the opposite is also true: the passion of the christ did well.

and it was a symbolic gesture, not a real turning of the country towards god.


oops, forgot this:



that's funny

"Further, in an interview he explains, "I'm trying to undermine the basis for Christian belief.""

so he's trying to beat down what he believes is myth, with a fantasy movie. Brilliant.

well i'm planning on seeing it anyway, i just cannot get out to the movies anymore with kids to take care of. any movie with a freakin' huge ol' polar bear with body armor deserves some view time from me.

Mandy Leech

Liberace, do you really think that the people who are boycotting the movie are going to read, or allow their children to read the book? I doubt it. They're boycotting the whole deal. We've got so many other movies to see...the new National Treasure, The Bucket List among others. Compass won't be one, not only because of its message, but because Nicole Kidman creeps me out.

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