...and we have ourselves to pat on the back for that. After all, it is our own human progressive ability that brought about this reality.
In his recent critique on SLATE of a New York Times excerpt from Mark Lilla's upcoming book, The Stillborn God, atheist author Christopher Hitchens contends that Lilla "doesn't give us enough credit for shaking off the divine." Though there are so many who are reluctant to come to terms with the it, God is still dead. This is hardly the first time such a suggestion has been proffered. TIME magazine went public with question over 40 years ago.
I'll leave it to you to read through both Hitchen's and Lilla's verbiage. It gets a bit heady at times. But, I simply bring it to your attention as another example of this ongoing seesaw debate about who has the true take on the existence of God.
From my own perspective, I continue to be amazed at the unwavering confidence of those who make such bold claims about God's absence and mankind's promise. After all, I wonder if God got the memo. And more importantly, what does He think of that bold assertion? People like Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, and Sam Harris better be right. I shudder to think about the consequences if they aren't.
UPDATE: Here's Dinesh D'Souza's perspective on Mark Lilla's article.