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July 25, 2007



Sweet! He's so amazing!

chris from flickerbulb

first off: HORRAY!

i really hope this gets fixed - i've seen first hand how debilitating bad knees are. it'd be hard for jean, hard on the family and hardon you, john.

having said that, and hoping that my next comments don't get in the way of my true joy at this news, you said:

"To put this in perspective, Dr. Farr told us that he has been lobbying the insurance company for similar meniscus replacement surgeries for the last seven or eight years, on behalf of more than 100 patients a year. During that time, they have only approved 3 meniscus transplant surgeries! Incredible!"

it *is* incredible, but what of the 97 others who's prayers god did not answer?

did they not pray "fervently" enough?

god not give them the "wisdom to proceed" ?

their friends and family not pray enough?

"And when He promises, "I will never leave you, nor forsake you," He means it"....

except to those other 97 people, to whom he did not mean it, apparently?

or did, perhaps, they not have enough potential for incapacitation to warrant god bothering to force the insurance company to approve the surgery?

i don't mean these to be snide -- it's just.... when i was a christian i skirted these issues until i couldn't skirt them anymore.

once i finally allowed myself to face them honestly is when i started to stop being scared to face anything honestly.

jean crane

Hey Chris,
Just to clear up what I think about your questions- I believe in a sovereign God who knows whats best for each of us. I did not want to have knee problems in the first place- and what about the 1 billion other people who don't have knee problems... Did God say no to my request to be able to keep on running (my favorite hobby) for life, and did He answer the other 1 billion people's requests to not have knee problems? (presupposing they were even praying about it?) NO- I believe He knew that this trial was going to be a good thing for me- to refine me and help me to continue to trust Him more. For the others who didn't get the authorization for knee surgeries, He allowed that for His purposes as well. Bottom line is, I'm glad I'm not God- I couldn't handle juggling everyone's needs/ desires (i.e. see Bruce Almighty), but I believe God can and does. I'm not saying I don't struggle with why He says yes to some things and no to others, but I've seen a lot of good things come from bad situations and I believe that God understands a lot more than we do about what will help people grow and bring them to Himself. It is a choice of faith and I believe Him. Please don't take this the wrong way, but when I read your post I prayed for you that you might be able to come back to faith. I believe God loves you so much, Chris!!


Jean beat me to the comment board to respond to your questions. Suffice it say, I would distill her thoughts down to a few questions that come to my mind regarding your comments, Chris.

First of all, how can anyone realistically assume we know both the spiritual state and/or the fervency in prayer that anyone brings before God? I can't speak for the "prayers" of the hundreds of other people needing knee surgeries, but I do know for certain that we (and a great many others) have been praying earnestly for this particular situation, and God promises to answer prayer.

Secondly, how often do we automatically assume that God's answer to our prayers should always be "Yes" (and therefore, if He doesn't say, "Yes", then He must not answer prayer)? As the saying goes, there are no unanswered prayers (despite what Garth Brooks thinks). We just don't acknowledge the many times when God may be saying, "No" or "Wait" for our own good. I suppose since He can see the big picture, and I can't, I give Him the benefit of the doubt that He knows what He's doing. And I have to trust Him for the outcome, even if my limited understanding would have me desiring a different outcome at the time.

Finally, assuming God is who He says He is--an infinite, all-powerful, all-knowing Being--who are we as finite creatures to assume we know what the Creator God *should* do in any given situation? That smacks of an authority that is not ours to possess, an arrogance that God addressed with Job (Job 38-41). We may not always know why God allows, or doesn't allow, certain things to happen in life. But our ignorance in such matters does not lessen God's faithfulness to do what is ultimately in our best interests over the long run.

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