In the words of George and Louise Jefferson, "We're movin' on up!" The good folks over at Chuck Colson's Breakpoint blog, The Point, have graciously added The Daily Detour to their blogroll. That is quite a step up for this novice blogger, particularly given their much wider audience. And it is much appreciated.
That promotional development would not have been possible without the help from you our faithful readers. Your thoughtful contributions on the comment board really helped the Breakpoint folks in their assessment of this blog and in their determination about whether or not it reaches their intended audience. Also, special thanks goes to Gina Dalfonzo from The Point for following up on my initial request earlier this spring. (If you haven't read their blog, check it out. Like The Daily Detour, it provides some very thought-provoking commentary on the current issues of the day from a number of different authors.) I guess this is just one more step forward in the quest to have the impact of The Daily Detour reach "to infinity and beyond" (as Buzz Lightyear and my little space ranger, Andrew, like to say).
heya congrats, john.
care to disclose what your reader numbers are?
also, if you have access to it, i'd be interested in knowing what the top search terms are that lead people here.
for instance, for some unknown reason, a search for "fauxhawk" seems to lead people to flickerbulb.
Posted by: chris from flickerbulb | June 19, 2007 at 09:15 AM
That is so very cool John. Congratulations.
You'll still continue to associate with me in public, right? At least pretend?
Just kidding, congrats.
Posted by: Jim Leech | June 19, 2007 at 12:07 PM
Congrats, John.
Posted by: Mike Erickson | June 19, 2007 at 12:57 PM
Gratz on the link. Always glad to see you're getting more eyeballs.
I took a spin through the Breakpoint blog, and quickly retreated back to my safe place here at TDD. I couldn't even make it half-way down the page before the requisite atheist slams started. I'll keep my comments here, thank you very much.
Posted by: Resident Atheist | June 19, 2007 at 01:16 PM
Resident Atheist, glad you feel comfortable to bring the atheistic perspective here to The Daily Detour. It's always appreciated. If you're up for it, you might drop a comment in on the Breakpoint folks from time to time. I'm sure that'd stir the pot a bit...and hopefully in a healthy way. Thanks for the hearty congrats from one and all! It speaks as much to all of you as it does to me. :)
Posted by: John | June 20, 2007 at 03:17 PM