Tuesday's Indianapolis Star reported that the ACLU has filed a lawsuit on behalf of Mark Studler regarding Indiana's popular "In God We Trust" license plate. They brought the lawsuit challenging a law allowing Hoosier motorists to acquire "In God We Trust" plates without paying the $15.00 administration fee assessed to other generally available specialty plates.
For Mr. Studler the issue concerns a matter of equality. As he suggested, "Everybody should either have to pay the fee or they should all be free." I do wonder how far he is willing to go with that suggestion. After all, according to the Indiana Bureau of Moter Vehicles, there are other specialty plates which are also exempted from the fee: "Disabled American Veteran," "Ex-POW," "Hoosier Veteran," "National Guard," "Pearl Harbor Survivor," "Purple Heart," and "Support Our Troops" plates. Interestingly, according to the article, Ken Falk (legal director for the ACLU of Indiana) suggested that the "In God We Trust" plate is the only generally available specialty plate exempt from any fee. So on a whim, I checked with the Indiana BMV to verify his claim. I wanted to determine, for example, if the "Support Our Troops" plate is available to the general public. Indeed, it is.
Which raises the question, "If the Mr. Studler and the ACLU are as concerned about fairness regarding license plate fees as they claim to be, why not file similar suits against those who would purchase "Support Our Troops" plates?" Sadly, this incongruity furthers the perception that the ACLU is merely attempting to eradicate one's freedom of religious expression in the public square under the guise of the noble-sounding crusade to maintain the "wall of separation" between church and state. Perhaps they should change their name from the ACLU to the ASCLU (American Selective Civil Liberties Union). Are not civil liberties to be protected for all Americans, no matter what one's religious persuasion might be?
In one of the comments posted on the IndyStar.com site in response to this lawsuit, a reader opines,
Perhaps religious individuals should be more focused on issues like abuse or hunger, rather than on defending their right to a free license plate on which they can advertise their religion.
While there is considerable merit to that suggestion, one could just as easily suggest that there are presumably more substantitive issues the ACLU could be pursuing other than regulating license plate fees in the name of civil liberties. But, more importantly, what that IndyStar.com reader fails to appreciate is that this issue is not about getting a free license plate. Right or wrong in the minds of many people, this seemingly-insignificant issue is simply one more step on the inevitable journey toward a thoroughly secular society.
I would certainly resist the alarmist mentality, as if the inevitable erosion of societal morality hinges on one license plate slogan. But as Edward Gibbon reminds us, the Roman empire did not crumble in a day. And no matter the issue, it is the series of forgettable accommodations over a long period of time that will eventually bring any culture to ruin.
UPDATE: Mike Erickson over at Major Mike's Musings brought to my attention Gary Varvel's cartoon/commentary on this subject. Varvel's stuff is always worth a gander.
VERY important topic. I've got more comments to make but no time now.
I simply want to say that I purchased on TODAY for my vehicle before the people at the American Communist Living Union try to make them unavailable.
Posted by: Andy Bullock | April 27, 2007 at 01:13 PM
First of all...I just want to say that John Crane is a Stud, and I knew him when he was in Kindergarten. Secondly, if cool people like Andy Bullock read this Blog, then everyone should. Finally, I couldn't have stated things better if I tried. I get pretty sick of how a "separation" that was intended to give freedom of religion, has essentially evolved into an unwritten law that denies freedom of the expression of religion.
I taught an abstinence class in a local Columbus Middle School and accidentally let the word "Bible" slip from my tongue, and was asked to not return. If I had said, "Confucius says", or "it says in the Koran", it would not have been a problem, but "The Bible says..." was my downfall.
Ugg. Sorry. Found my soapbox.
Posted by: Peter Eicher | April 27, 2007 at 09:56 PM
Wahoo! Hurray for Pete Eicher! Welcome my brother from above (Ft. Wayne)!
Posted by: andy bullock | April 28, 2007 at 07:57 AM
While I generally agree in the studliness of John Crane, the leap that there is a drive in this society towards pure secularism is extremely overstated. While I will not defend the actions of the ACLU, I understand the desire of the small minority that are not religious to maintain a separation between church and state. The inevitable cry from the religious stating that all relgion is being erradicated is unmerited. These are almost all cases in which the GOVERNMENT is advocating or funding (directly or indirectly) a religion (often a SPECIFIC religion). The idea that somehow an attack on these practices will lead to the elimination of religion in a country where every major political figure is devout is unreasonable.
What's more, it is very unfair to claim that just because I don't want my government choosing a religion, I am anti-religion. I am pro-religion, but am afraid of a religious state (Iran), just as much as a secular one (China). I love choice and want it engrained in our laws.
You ask why 'In God We Trust' was targeted by the ACLU? I do not remember a law against requiring the separation of troops and state. They picked this fight because they might win, and it will draw media attention that will increase their funding.
Finally, I do agree that Christians bear an unfair burden in this country when it comes to the separation. It seems like every other relgion gets a 'pass'. I do not advocate this, but I imagine it happens because Christians are the overwhelming majority. If everyone converted to Judiasm tomorrow, then I'm sure Christianity would be spared. Do you really want that? Take it as a acknowledgement of your power.
Posted by: Resident Atheist | April 30, 2007 at 09:36 PM