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March 22, 2007



I will be praying for you John, and for the young mans' family.


Wish I had been able to read this before Sat., John, but will still be praying for this family. I was at a funeral a week 1/2 ago, too, for Tim's Grandma. What people said, over and over, about Grandma VanderSchie was that she was faithful to her Lord, serving Him until the day she met Him face to face. She truly lived each day abiding with Him and living for Him. The day before, when she was in the hospital, with a huge smile she told the nurse "I am going home very soon!" As you said, I pray that on the day people gather to celebrate my Homegoing what they will be able to say about my life is simply, "Her life was all about her Jesus." And then I hope people will not stare at a casket or a plot in the ground...I pray they Look Up...for I will be there, where I've always longed to be, with my Jesus. :)

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